Organic and agroecology as a safeguard for long-term food security – Launch of the new TP Organics Policy Brief

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TP Organics’ new Policy Brief shows that organic and agroecological farming are the best guarantee for long-term food security, whereas industrial agriculture is continuing to undermine its own bases. The new food security brief will be officially launched during this webinar which is aimed at both the organic actors (TP Organics and IFOAM Organics Europe members and other stakeholders) as well as the media (journalists covering agricultural and environmental topics, in particular at European level). You will hear from international experts Helmut Burtscher-Schaden, Pesticides and Chemicals Campaigner at GLOBAL 2000/Friends of the Earth Austria (TBC), Felix Wäckers, Director R&D at Biobest Group and TP Organics Steering Committee, and Olivier Mora, Foresight Coordinator at INRAE responsible for the study “European Pesticide-Free Agriculture in 2050”. The importance to reduce the use of pesticides and the need for a sustainable use of plant protection products regulation (SUR) will be discussed in view of the vote by the European Parliament on the SUR, as will be the potential of organic and agroecology as pathways to eliminate pesticides. After the presentations of the three experts, there will be time for your questions and a discussion.
September 5th, 2023 from  3:00 PM to  4:45 PM