TP Organics' Science Day 2019: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange - Challenges of the Organic Sector
On 15 February, TP Organics organised the Science Day at BIOFACH 2019 – World´s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food. The event was dedicated to the new edition of TP Organic’ Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda. Participants were invited to give feedback on the first work done by the experts. All input received will now be processed …
New CORE Organic Cofund projects presented at Research Seminar in Bari, Italy
t the end of January, all coordinators of the 12 CORE Organic Cofund research projects, funding bodies and stakeholder representatives as well as some invited guests from countries outside the EU met for a Research Seminar hosted by the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM Bari) and arranged back-to-back with an “Outreach seminar” …
Save the date: European Conference on Crop Diversification
Operational Group in focus: TERRITORI BIO - Terroirs and Rural Networks for Technological and Organizational Innovations addressed to Organic Farms
The problem that the Operational Group (OG) is trying to solve is associated with the scepticism of many conventional companies to shift to organic agriculture that is due to …