April 2019

TP Organics' new Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda: public consultation launched

You are invited to take part in the public consultation on TP Organics' new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for organic food and farming in Europe. It is a key document that sets the research and innovation needs of the organic sector until 2027. It will serve as a tool for advising the European Commission on Horizon Europe, the …
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Horizon Europe adopted in European Parliament plenary

On 17 April 2019, the European Parliament endorsed the provisional agreement reached by the co-legislators on Horizon Europe, the EU research and innovation programme for the next budget period from 2021-2027, with almost 90% of the votes of all the Members of the European Parliament …
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Join the FarmDemo Conference on 21 May in Brussels!

The FarmDemo Conference, organised by the Horizon 2020 projects PLAID, AgriDemo F2F and NEFERTITI, will take place on 21 May in Brussels, Herman Teirlinck building, Havenlaan 22. Farmers, advisors, researchers, and policy-makers are invited to participate. The best place to gain new knowledge, share your experience with others and learn how to implement innovations is on the farm.
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Save the date: Diversifying Food Systems in the Pursuit of Sustainable Food Production & Healthy Diets Workshop on 14 May in Paris

The workshop "Diversifying Food Systems in the Pursuit of Sustainable Food Production & Healthy Diets" of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR) strategic working group on food systems (SCAR FS SWG) will take place on 14 May, from 10:00-16:30, at the French ...
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Operational Group in focus: Working group extended suckling period

In organic pig farming, the weaning of the piglets from the sow takes place after 40-42 days. At this time, however, the piglets are in a critical physiological stage, being more prone to disease and frequently getting the so-called post-weaning diarrhoea that has to be treated with the use of antibiotics. Even though the extended suckling period (63 days instead of 40-42 days) has been scientifically examined and a significant …
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